Colin Bassett is author of a chapbook called Boring Meadows (Greying Ghost, 2009). His fiction has appeared recently in Fence and the Mississippi Review and is forthcoming in Barrelhouse 9. His website is
Community is to anxiety as maybe everything is to anxiety.
Micah Bateman is from Jacksonville, Texas, and splits time between St. Louis, where he's reading subs for River Styx, and Iowa City, where he learns him some verse-makin and teaches him some verse-makin. Find him elsewhere in CutBank, Night Train, and Pebble Lake Review.
Community is to alderman as Texas is to Selena Quintanilla-Perez.
Community is to college as kick is to ass.
Community is to Starbucks as grad school is to New Wave bangs.
Community is to stoning ritual as family is to stoning ritual.
Barron Byrnes is an English major who is old enough to legally buy alcohol. He has just over 200 friends on Facebook, indicating a marginal amount of popularity amongst his peers and extended family. Barron attends the University of Arkansas on accident.
Community is to me as it is to you.
Amy David is a day-job engineer, part-time poet, and full-time hater. She lives in Evanston, IL, with her boyfriend and their pet frog, which is really just a frog-shaped humidifier. Her work has appeared most recently in Writer's Block, The Legendary, and APICS Magazine. She will be representing Chicago for the third time at the National Poetry Slam this August.
Community is to writing as ice cubes are to green tea.
Chris Dennis was raised in Southern Illinois. He's currently working on a story collection, tentatively titled Neglected Zoos of the Midwest. He received his MFA in Fiction from Washington Univeristy in St. Louis, where he was also a Third Year Fellow. He enjoys playing the keyboard.
Community is to aesthetics as church camp is to oral sex.
Phil Estes' poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Harpur Palate, Hayden's Ferry Review, The Lifted Brow, Willow Springs, and others.
Community is to a writer as a bear is to fish.
Eileen G'Sell teaches English and film studies at Ellis University and WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis, where she is also publications editor at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum. Recent and forthcoming work can be found in Ninth Letter, Interim, Harp and Altar, and the Boston Review.
Community is to people as waterproof grout is to bathroom tile.
MC Hyland's most recent chapbooks are Every Night in Magic City (H_NGM_N, 2010) and Residential As In (Blue Hour Press, 2009). Her first collection of poems, Neveragainland, is forthcoming from Lowbrow Press. She lives in Minneapolis, where she works at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts and runs DoubleCross Press and the Pocket Lab reading series.
Community : making : dance party : hand : dinner : distance : intrinsic : sweaty : porch swing : bathroom graffiti : kissing : puking : bicycles : yard sale : bloom : skinnydip : spooning.
Becca Klaver was born and raised in Milwaukee and now lives in Brooklyn. She holds degrees from the University of Southern California and Columbia College Chicago, and is now working on a PhD in Literatures in English at Rutgers University. A founding editor of the feminist poetry press Switchback Books, she is the author of the chapbook Inside a Red Corvette: A 90s Mix Tape (greying ghost press, 2009) and the full-length collection of poems, LA Liminal (Kore Press, 2010).
Community is to blog-rolling as clubbiness is to midnight bowling.
Scott Ogilvie chases wheels and fixes bikes in St. Louis, MO. He'd like to make you something two-dimensional, suitable for hanging.
Community is to immunity as exposure is to I suppose, sir.
Francis Raven is a graduate student in philosophy at Temple University. His books include Provisions (Interbirth, 2009), 5-Haifun: Of Being Divisible (Blue Lion Books, 2008), Shifting the Question More Complicated (Otoliths, 2007), Taste: Gastronomic Poems (Blazevox 2005) and the novel, Inverted Curvatures (Spuyten Duyvil, 2005). Francis lives in Washington DC; you can check out more of his work at his website:
Community is to creativity as yeast is to bread.
Colby Somerville doesn't use bumpits to volumize his hair even though he lives in Iowa City.
Community is to munitions as an Applebee's is to Plank's labia.
Angela Zammarelli works mainly with cardboard, textiles, and home goods to create installations and videos. Most of the materials she is either given as hand me downs or finds in free piles, trash or recycling. She currently lives in western Massachusetts. Earlier this year she was in residence for three month at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, NE. She received an MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and was and artist in residence at Elsewhere Artist Collaborative, Greensboro, NC in the summers of 2005 and 2006. She keeps a process blog at
Community is to me as tree is to leaf.